Glamour Girls

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Costs: 10 THB per day

Customer Service :02-XXX-XXXX


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Subscribe to our service for QuizQuest gaming platform at only 10 THB per day, charged to your registered phone number, including the delivery of 2 messages per day (VAT of 7% and internet service fees not included). For inquiries, call 02-XXX-XXXX (Monday-Friday 8:30-17:30).

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Confirm your subscription for just 10 THB per day, with the fee charged to your phone number and includes 2 daily messages (excluding 7% VAT and internet service fees). For more information, contact us at 02-XXX-XXXX (Monday-Friday 8:30-17:30).

Your necessary information will be shared with the mobile network provider for billing purposes. By subscribing, you agree to these terms. To cancel the service, text ‘STOP QQ’ to XXXXXXX.